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My Safe Botting tips
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 13 г., 2 мес. назад Репутация: 7

'video_adapter': 'D7B78E667D7211CF58649855A2C2ED45',
'video_deviceid': 11826L,
'video_vendorid': 32902L,

With what you just displayed, and then looking inside the client configuration for EVE, on a VMWare client, it clearly shows the display adapter as 'VMware SVGA 3D (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM) 1' - which seems to imply that if they are using the display as one of their search fields, finding bots would be easier if they are using virtualization, assuming that they can translate the codes that are sent. Scary really.
Senior Boarder
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Последнее редактирование: 05.01.2012 07:08 Редактировал Calser.
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 13 г. назад Репутация: 1
A "Q" for you alle. is it bedst to mine in a system with many players or with a few players ?
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 13 г. назад Репутация: 3
@Calser Correct me if i'm wrong, but wouldn't running redguard on the vmware machine hide hardware information such as the vmware graphics card? I'm not sure, as I am brand new to all of this but looking for safe ways to bot
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 13 г. назад Репутация: 0
I've seen posts in a few forums about main accounts that don't use any macro programs getting banned due to the money trail being sent to them from the caught bot. I was wondering if anyone had any other suggestions other than the market to launder the ISK successfully?
Fresh Boarder
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Re: My Safe Botting tips 13 г. назад Репутация: 3
If anyone does have any suggestions please limit them to private messages and DONT post on this board. CCP doesn't need to know this. (I am by no means any sort of moderator and correct me if i'm out of line, but I think I speak for everyone with stating the above)
Fresh Boarder
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Последнее редактирование: 09.03.2012 02:26 Редактировал botforlife.
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If I helped, please hit the green +Karma button!
Re: My Safe Botting tips 13 г. назад Репутация: 828
If CCP wanted to ban all bots they could do this more actively. CCP wants more income from the game in the end. RMTers who use bot farms reduces CCP's income because they compete with official PLEX sales. But solo bots, from other hand, are just more customers who consume more PLEXs ingame. Lets imagine an ideal bot which works a few hours per day, pay for itself only and not noticeable by real players, like courier. Give at least one adequate opinion why CCP needs to remove such bot? Dont be greedy and you are on the safe side!

TraderJoe, transfer character with money where they required. You will pay 2 plex's for transfer and I doubt CCP will ever want to find/reverse this "transaction".
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