---First Run Log Start---
     18:07:21 (0) Creating new dat file, Func : FirstRun
     18:07:21 (0) Killed all processes of eve, Func : CreatePCdat
     18:07:26 (5) Directory C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\d_eve_online_tq_tranquility\settings_Default deleted, Func : CreatePCdat
     18:07:26 (5) Directory C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\d_eve_online_tq_tranquility\settings deleted, Func : CreatePCdat
     18:07:27 (6) File C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\core_public__.yaml deleted, Func : CreatePCdat
     18:07:27 (6) Directory C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\d_eve_online_tq_tranquility\cache deleted, Func : CreatePCdat
     18:07:28 (7) Directory C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\CCP\EVE\d_eve_online_tq_tranquility\settings created, Func : CreatePCdat
     18:07:29 (8) Checking Windows 10/11 activation status, Func : CoreDatFileGeneration
     18:07:37 (16) Windows 10/11 is activated, Func : CoreDatFileGeneration
     18:07:37 (16) Launcher settings OK, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) Eve launcher processes before start = 0, Eve processes before start = 0, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) Windows: Майкрософт Windows 10 Pro (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) v=6.2, Screen: 2560:1440. Counting windows before start. Counter = 227, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) Last DT UTC Time  = 07/05/2024 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/05/2024 15:07:37, Last Update Time  = 01/01/0001 00:00:00, Func : EVEUpdated
     18:07:37 (16) Launcher not updated, start launcher - true, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) Starting new eve launcher: D:\stim\steamapps\common\Eve Online\eve-online.exe, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) Start launcher true, settings OK, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) Starting eve launcher normally, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) EVE launcher process is starting..., Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:37 (16) Process loading timer reset: 07/05/2024 15:07:37, Timer: 16, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:42 (21) Waiting for eve launcher window, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:43 (22) Launcher processes: 1, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:43 (22) Launcher processes: 1, UI should load by this time, can continue, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:43 (22) Eve Launcher Window Detected, Func : EVELauncher
                    Title: EVE Online Launcher, Rect: {X=1094,Y=135,Width=377,Height=1132}, Visible: True, Iconic: False, Maximized: False, Topmost: False, Class: Chrome_WidgetWin_1, Handle: 198408, ExtendedWindowStyleFlags: 0x100, WindowStyleFlags: 0x14C70000
                    Screen: 2560: 1440 ScaleFactor: 100
     18:07:43 (22) Last DT UTC Time  = 07/05/2024 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/05/2024 15:07:43, Last Update Time  = 01/01/0001 00:00:00, Func : EVEUpdated
     18:07:48 (27) After WinActivateWaitActive: Eve Launcher Window detected as activated. Foreground: 198408, Launcher: 198408, Desktop: 65552, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:48 (27) Launcher position update not required, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:48 (27) EVE launcher validated, account is not running: 0, Title: EVE Online Launcher, Rect: {X=1094,Y=135,Width=377,Height=1132}, Visible: True, Iconic: False, Maximized: False, Topmost: False, Class: Chrome_WidgetWin_1, Handle: 198408, ExtendedWindowStyleFlags: 0x100, WindowStyleFlags: 0x14C70000, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:48 (27) SS: C:\Users\123\AppData\Local\MacroLab\Eve Pilot\ErrorHandler\EVE Pilot-, Func : DbgSSCapture
     18:07:48 (27) PC dat creation delay 10s 3218, Func : EVELauncher
     18:07:58 (37) Closing abandoned eve launcher processes, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:04 (43) Processes to kill: 0, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:09 (48) Processes remained: 0, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:09 (48) Eve launcher processes before start = 0, Eve processes before start = 0, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:09 (48) Windows: Майкрософт Windows 10 Pro (Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0) v=6.2, Screen: 2560:1440. Counting windows before start. Counter = 227, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:09 (48) Last DT UTC Time  = 07/05/2024 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/05/2024 15:08:09, Last Update Time  = 07/05/2024 15:07:48, Func : EVEUpdated
     18:08:09 (48) Last DT UTC Time  = 07/05/2024 11:00:00, Current UTC Time = 07/05/2024 15:08:09, Last Update Time  = 07/05/2024 15:07:48, Func : EVEUpdated
     18:08:09 (48) EVE was already updated after DT, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:09 (48) Starting eve: D:\EVE Onlinetq\bin64\exefile.exe;, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:09 (48) Path: , Func : CreateChildExplorerProcess
     18:08:09 (48) Args: /noconsole, Func : CreateChildExplorerProcess
     18:08:10 (49) ERROR: child explorer process not created. Starting eve normally, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:10 (49) ERROR: Exception during eve process start Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.. Code 0, Func : EVELauncher
     18:08:15 (54) Failed to start eve. Code 0, Func : CreatePCdat
     18:08:15 (54) lock 1, Func : CloseEveWindow
     18:08:15 (54) Thread: Processor, Func : CloseEveWindow
     18:08:15 (54) Hwnd check, Func : CloseEveWindow
     18:08:15 (54) Argument is IntPtr.Zero. Nothing to close atm., Func : CloseEveWindow
     18:08:25 (64) Dat file creation failed. Code 0, Func : FirstRun